If music is so powerful that it can physically move you without physically touching you, then what is it doing on a deeper, unseen level in your being?
Music has been all around us since the beginning of time. Its tremendous power was known in ancient times when it was used in important religious, sex, marriage, and bonding rites, but over time it somehow became corrupted and turned into - at worst - elitist high art, body-breaking athleticism, or sexual exploitation - and at best - a frivolous and silly way to pass your time on a night out. We now know dance not as it truly is, but what the deceptive layers placed on it make it seem to be.
What would happen in your life if music could remove the invading entities within your depths? Would you be able to love without insecurity? Could you move in your body as you always wanted, without blockages or obstacles keeping you frozen? Would you finally be able to exist in a mind that was freed from fear and grief, and a body that was unburdened, like it was when you were a child? Could you finally detach from all of your unhealthy attachments, and be rid of your crippling addictions?
The dance taught in the Rita Lazar Method™ can do all of these things for you, but it is not dance as you know it. It's not belly dance. It's not yoga. It's not choreography. It's not aerobics. It's not pole-dancing. It's not ballet. It's not dance therapy as was once popular decades ago, and it's not based on Eastern principles.
The Rita Lazar Method™ was born twenty years ago, when I first started out on my dance path. I had a love of belly dance since childhood, and took class after class starting in my early twenties. After years of learning and practicing, I then started teaching when I turned 30. I taught at several places within Los Angeles, as well as for the cities of El Segundo and Manhattan Beach. I taught class in a way that I wished I were taught; my class was a place where you could actually come to life and dance instead of repeat moves over and over again. I made class fun, my students learned, and my organic approach also helped my students come alive in their bodies. Their insecurities were gone, their bad physical habits were loosening their grip, and they were able to finally enjoy being in their bodies after decades of living with trauma.
The Rita Lazar Method™ has since evolved into a more intuitive system, allowing the practitioner to reap the exact mental, physical, and emotional benefits that they need. It brings dance and music from all over the world straight to you. The dance you will learn, combined with the specific music you will listen to, is expertly designed to bring out maximum movement in your body, while simultaneously turning down your mind.
If you would like to learn more, click here.
Please consult with your doctor or mental health professional before starting this or any other exercise or mental health related program.